Monday, November 1, 2010
TT - Tiger Facts
*Tigers are the largest of all wild cats and are renowned for their power and strength

*There are 5 remaining subspecies of tigers and all are endangered

*Tigers are hunted as trophies and also for body parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicine

*Tigers live alone

*They are powerful hunters and travel many miles to find their prey, such as wild boar and elk

*Females give birth to litters of two to six cubs, which they raise with little or no help from the male

*Despite their fearsome reputation, most tigers avoid humans

*Stripes identify the tiger like a fingerprint identifies a human, and they are all different

*In low light a tiger can see 6 times more clearly that a human can see

*Soft pads on the bottom of a tiger's paws muffle the sound of it's feet when it walks

*The tiger has the largest upper canine teeth of all the big cats and are generally about
3 inches long (around the same size of the middle finger of an adult person)

*A tiger can eat as much as 75 pounds of meat at one time

*A tiger's roar can be heard for up to 2 miles!

posted by Nature Mad @ 8:16 AM  
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