Monday, October 25, 2010
TT - All About Dolphins
Dolphins are very vocal and can make many sounds. They use certain sounds, such as the click, for sonar. They can tell through the echoes, how far they are away from something.

Dolphins sleep by resting one half of their brain at a time so that one eye is always open. This allows them to rise to the surface to breathe and to protect themselves from predators.

Male dolphins are called Bulls and female dolphins are called Cows.

A baby dolphin is called a calf. Baby dolphins are born tail first and suckle from their mother for up to 4 years. Mother dolphins produce milk that is extremely rich in fat, often up to 50 percent.

Each dolphin has its own signature whistle to identify itself.

Dolphins have excellent vision and well-developed eyes.

Most dolphins are about 6 feet long, but the bottle-nose dolphin can be over 9 feet long. The smallest dolphin is a bufeo, which is about 3 feet 9 inches.

Dolphins can hold their breath and dive over 1,000 feet deep.

On the average, a dolphin can eat over 50 pounds of food per day. Dolphins are carnivores eating mostly fish and squid and sometimes crustaceans. Wild dolphins eat live fish, while most captive dolphins eat them prepared.

A female dolphin’s pregnancy lasts between 11 and 12 months. She will nurse her baby for over a year.

Some dolphins travel in groups of over 1,000. Dolphins are found all over the world.

Dolphins have a thick layer of fat under their skin called blubber, which helps them to keep warm.

Dolphins are highly social, playful, curious and intelligent. They live in groups or families called Pods.

posted by Nature Mad @ 3:04 PM  
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