1. A group of tigers is called a streak.
2. Tigers have been classified by scientists into eight subspecies: Indian (or Bengal), Indo-Chinese, Sumatran, Amur (or Siberian), South China, Caspian (extinct), Java (extinct), and Bali (extinct).
3. There are probably fewer than 500 Sumatran tigers on the island of Sumatra.
4. The roar of a tiger can be heard more than a mile away.
5. Tigers keep their claws sharp for hunting by pulling in their retractable claws into a protective sheath.
6. Most tigers have more than 100 stripes, and no two tigers have identical stripes
7. Fully grown they reach the length of 13 feet
8. An adult male weighs up to 700 lb
9. The World's Tiger Species:
- Balinese: Extinct. Last reported sighting 1937
- Caspian: Probably extinct. Last seen 1970's
- Javan: Probably extinct. Last seen 1970's
- South-Chinese: Near extinction 30-35 remain
- Siberian: 500 remain in Amur river area
- Sumatran: 300-500 remain in Sumatra
- Indo-Chinese: 1000-1500 remain in Burma to Malaysia
- Bengal: 3000-4000 remain in India and surrounding areas
10. Webbing between their toes enables the Sumatran tiger to be very efficient and fast swimmer. If given the chance the tiger will run hoofed prey into the water where the animal is at a much greater disadvantage because they cannot swim well with their long thin legs.
11. Tigers fail at least 90% of the time in catching prey during hunts!
12. Tigers are excellent swimmers and can easily cross rivers and lakes 3.7-5 miles (6-8 km) wide! 13. Tigers are an endangered species. Wild tigers in Asia -- their natural habitat -- may soon disappear. As conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, has been paraphrased: Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep the planet.
Happy TT everybody!
Sad to know that most of Indonesian tigers are extinct :\ Welcome to TT, happy TT and my list is up here. Hehe.