Tuesday, April 12, 2011 |
Thursday Thirteen - Apple Trivia |
 1. Two pounds of apples make one 9-inch pie 2. Apples are the most varied food on Earth. 7500 varieties of apples are grown throughout the world! 3. 60% apples are eaten out-of-hand; the remainder are processed 4. The science of apple growing is called pomology 5. The largest apple ever picked weighed three pounds 6. It takes energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple 7. China is the largest producer of apples. The US, Turkey, Poland and Italy round out the top 5. 8. Apples ripen six to ten times faster at room temperature than if they were refrigerated 9. Just one apple provides as much dietary fiber as a serving of bran cereal. (That's about one-fifth of the recommended daily intake of fiber.) 10/ Apple juice was one of the earliest prescribed antidepressants. 11. Johnny Appleseed was a real person. His name was John Chapman. He was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, September 26, 1774. 12. Apples may help you loose weight. A Brazilian study showed that 300 overweight women who ate 3 apples per day lost more weight than a similar group who didn't add fruit to their diet. Researchers believe that adding fruit to the diet of the overweight women changed their metabolic profiles. 13. Apples bruise easier than eggs break
posted by Nature Mad @ 3:50 AM  |
I didn't know all of that, so thanks for educating me. I love apples! My TT lists 13 things I can’t (or don’t want to…) live without.
Apples are like Guinness for me. I love the advertising but in the end I just don't like the taste of the product. Great TT though :-)
We eat a ton of apples, those facts are great! I never ever would have guessed #7. And as for 8, we keep most of ours in the fridge, but leave a couple out for snacking.
Happy Thursday, my list is up too!
I'm glad I visited your site. Those are very interesting facts about apple. BTW, love your blog. My T13 is up too.
My favorites are Pink Ladies and Galas - a good apple is worth sitting down for :)
Moving Mama @
Oh, I love apples! Had no idea they had that much fiber, that's great!
Hubby is an apple grower. We have a small orchard in our yard and produce apples that we sell to a local farm stand. Yes, apples are sooooo good!
I grew up in a town that had more apple trees than people in it, thanks for bringing back memories!
An apple post - I love it! My favorite aunt and uncle owned an apple orchard in Indiana and my favorite childhood memories are being at the orchard in the fall for apple picking and cider making. Have a very happy Thursday and drop by if you're in the neighborhood! DK
How fun and informative. I knew Johnny Appleseed was a real person but didn't know he was from my home state.
Happy TT
Be well and enjoy the day.
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I love apples! They are so healthy
My daughter looooves apples so much. She eats apples with chocolate sauce.
Mmmmmm, good to know that one of my favourite fruit have so many good qualities!
14. Apple pie is the yummiest food, ever.
Great lists- love your blog!
Wow! This is really interesting stuff about them apples!!! The first antidepressant?!?! I've gotta run and tell some gfs to stop their prescriptions and stock up on these to save some serious $$!
Thanks for sharing!
I find that 2 cans of apple filling is so much easier then 2 pounds of fresh apples.
Apple juice may be an antidepressant, but I do know it cleans out some other parts of the body just as well ;)
Interesting facts. Happy TT!
That's a great list! I love apples and try to have one every day!
My kids told me that an apple will give you more energy than a cup of coffee.
Thanks for the interesting facts!
Pomology makes me happy: I'm a pom :-)
I have two TT13s: http://www.ravensroads.com http://www.markeroni.com/blog/
Pleased to meet you :)
Great and informative facts. Thanks!
Wow! That 3 pound apple could make one pie alone!
Happy TT!
Wow, very cool about the apples! Happy TT a day late!
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I didn't know all of that, so thanks for educating me. I love apples!
My TT lists 13 things I can’t (or don’t want to…) live without.