At August 21, 2007 at 4:02 PM, Andree said…
Somehow his face looks sweet and pensive to me. It's those quiet eyes.
At August 21, 2007 at 4:04 PM, SandyCarlson said…
He's as smart as he looks, I imagine. Great photo.
At August 21, 2007 at 4:20 PM, Anonymous said…
great shot--happy WW.
At August 21, 2007 at 4:25 PM, Anonymous said…
Smart looking...great shot!
At August 21, 2007 at 5:37 PM, CableGirl said…
Vultures are such cool creatures. I love the fact that they have no feathers on their faces. So practical!Happy WW!
At August 21, 2007 at 7:01 PM, Anonymous said…
Great photo. I wouldn't want to be around that beak when it decided to start ripping...
At August 21, 2007 at 8:25 PM, ZAM said…
Am surprised because he doesn't look ominous at all. Vultures are often conjured up as "brutes." But this one doesn't look like it.
At August 22, 2007 at 3:18 AM, Anonymous said…
Great shot, I love how expressive its face is.
At August 22, 2007 at 8:19 AM, Jeremy Lowe said…
Gives you a lot of respect for that thing doesn't it. Great shot happy WW
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Somehow his face looks sweet and pensive to me. It's those quiet eyes.